Friday 25 February 2011

First Tuesday Rescheduled

Unfortunately the First Tuesday event has now been rescheduled for the 1st March, so we have quickly designed these banners that are going to be placed over the original posters. They needed to be striking and so i took inspiration from the 'SOLD OUT' posters you get for events. This is going to hopefully grab peoples attention rather than just trying to change the date subtly.

After sending this to Bridget, she recomended that i change the work rescheduled, or the typeface that it is in as its quite difficult to read. I do now see that the word is very blocky and difficult to read but as there is no compromise for the font i changed the work to 'DATE CHANGED'

AGAIN unfortunately the date has been moved due to being to rushed before half term. It its now on the 29th March and the tickets are now collected by the Student Union. I really hope this works this time.

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