Sunday 27 February 2011

The Little Summer House briefing

We met Steve this morning, me chloe and hannah are all doing this brief and so i think it will be really interesting what we all come up with as well are all quite different designers. 

He talked about the company and what it is about and who it is for so we could get an idea of what their values and ethics are. He then explained what he is looking for from us.

The company is a new start up Childminding service that is set up by Jane Hampshire and Ruth Middleton down near Stroud. They take in children from 3 months to 6yr old and provide all organic and locally sourced food. The building runs on low energy and has a sedum rood, bamboo flooring and environmentally friendly garden.

He is wanting us to design an identity for the company as well as basic stationary. The audience is for mothers of young children who most likely work within a creative sector or have creative interests. There should be a limited colour pallet and if chosen then a website will be asked for.

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