Monday 30 May 2011

The British MUG

I want to design some merchandise mugs for the festival as I think its quite an important symbol to have. Event though i am trying to get a younger audience interested in Morris Dancing It is also about getting British people to appreciate and understand their traditions and as we all know us British do love a good cup of tea and we do tend to buy mugs everywhere. I for one am a hoarder of mugs just for me! 

Having the mug as a souvenir at the festival will hopefully appeal to both the older and current visitors and the new youthful visitors and this will depend on the design. So here are a few of ideas of what sort of graphics i can apply to a traditional mug.

The first sort of ideas are designed as a souvenir and proof of attending some iconic event 'I was there'. This is a great idea for the festival as its quite a pretentious idea but executed in a humorous way that i think will appeal to the visitors.

Also just producing a typographic design for the mug using the bold typeface that is iconic of the identity so far and the colour pallet to add some excitement in there.

Having a more contemporary design would look really eye catching at the festival. Using the triangle shapes and the identity colours and producing repeat patterns to be applied to the mugs.

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