Tuesday 22 March 2011

Leeds Loves Creativity Briefing

Today was the briefing for the 'Leeds Loves Creativity' brief, was pretty excited about this brief and thought it could potentially be really good. But it didn't occur to me there would be so many restrictions and guidelines to follow.

So after the briefing i looked through the pdf that they had left with all the specifics about the brief and have been trying to see a cap in there somewhere.

Some of the restrictions are:
The use of Pantone 526, black and white are the primary colours.
Pantone 383, 702, 524, 717 have been chosen as harmonious colours to site with the branding colour.
Helvetica Neue Condensed can only be used.
Leeds loves can only be changed with the chosen colours.

At first i was a little less than excited about it all as there seems to be little room for creativity, but i really want to see what i can come up with when working with all these restrictions.

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