Wednesday 16 March 2011

Voting Dates and Copy

received all the copy for the posters, banners and leaflets from the client so i can finally get it all fit onto the designs. There is a lot of copy and i have had to have long conversations with the client to try and cut some of it down, or at least be more selective about what content goes the printed media. 

Who I am

3rd Year Heritage Student + Welfare Officer 09/10 + Senior Resident 09/11 + Ginger Beard + Chaplaincy Assistant 09/10 + Student Ambassador 08/11 + Glasses + AimHigher Associate 10/11 + Pocke Socity Treasurer 10/11 = Steve Illedge

Responsible + Enthusiastic + Enterprising + Dedicated + Confident + Conscientious + Adaptable + Team Leader

My Goals For Our Union

Student’s Union Working in Partnerships:
Working more integrated, more collaboratively with University College departments to offer better events, activities and opportunities for the Student Body.

Refreshing Fresher’s:
Shortening the Fresher’s period from two weeks to one, meaning it is a more action packed, stimulating and engaged week, giving each event more finance, wider participation, making them high quality and more fun.

Building the Community beyond BG:
Ensuring that BGSU is constantly thinking ahead, using its connections with departments, businesses and the local community to enhance student experience and opportunities.

Creating a Union that Looks Outwards, not Inwards:
Stimulating the student population to engage in the activities of the Union, the University College and Local Community. Ensuring we consult students, following student demand and thinking ahead.

Joint Sharing Events:
With budget cuts we can no longer work alone, to provide students with the best events, entertainment and opportunities, we need to work with departments and businesses to ensure we can consistently deliver for the Student Body sharing those financial commitments.

Stronger Volunteering Prospects:
Working in partnership again with the college departments and other bodies to ensure we have a constant theme of volunteering opportunities for the students to become engaged within.

Achieving this though

Co-operation + Integration + Partnership = the new, consistent approach to ensuring all events offer opportunities to enhance the Student Experience. 

Co-operation – Marketing + Catering + Finance + Events + Maintenance + Grounds Keeper + 2 Schools + Students

Integration – Senior Residents + Schools and Colleges Liaison + Housekeeping + Accommodation + Registry + Students

Partnerships – BG Generations + Alumni + Chaplaincy + Bar + BG Enterprise + Careers + Learning Advice + Student Support + Senior Leadership Team + Governing Body

By working together we can make it better.

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