Monday 7 March 2011

Vintage poster

This is a mixture of loads of different vintage posters that i have looked at and been getting inspiration from.

This first one has used texture well to get a very worn down and vintage feel to it. This works really well because it is only one solid colour and so the focus is on the content and texture. 

This poster is great, the style of it is very traditional and even though the poster is dominated by the image, they typography is really important. One element that i have been looking at in particular is the typography path and how it is used with image.

Another idea that the client has mentioned is the use of ribbons to contain the text. So i have been looking inot posters that use ribbons and give a vintage feel to the poster. However here i think the use of two very different styles of ribbon is unsuccessful. 

The middle section of this poster has really interested me, the ribbon used here is very ornate and really creates the centre piece for the poster, however the text inside is lost and washed out.

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